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SecurityGateway for Email Servers v9.0

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The Setup/Users menu has seven sections containing links to SecurityGateway's core configuration options. You will use the options in these sections to setup your domains and user accounts, mail delivery options, quarantine settings, backup and database preferences, and other configuration options. Below is a brief overview of each section. For more information, see the section overviews or the individual pages under each section.


The Accounts section under the Setup/Users menu contains options related to your SecurityGateway user accounts and domains. There are five account-related links under this section that include options for creating domains and user accounts, designating User Verification Sources, setting the default values for a number of user options, and more.

Mail Configuration

The Mail Configuration section provides links to four pages governing various mail-related functions. For example, you will use the options under this section to designate the servers on which your users' email accounts reside, set your quarantine options, configure various email delivery options, and manage other technical settings.

Disclaimers (Headers/Footers)

Message Disclaimers are portions of text that the server can add above or below the body of inbound, outbound or local email messages. Use this page to create and manage you disclaimers.


The System section under the Setup/Users menu contains links to various system functions, such as encryption settings, HTTP interface options, directory locations, disk space management options, and more.


The options reached from this section deal with the type and amount of data that is saved by SecurityGateway, automatic backup features, and options for restoring the server from backup files.

Software Updates

Use this page to check whether or not an updated version of SecurityGateway is available. You can check for updates manually or use an option to cause SecurityGateway to check for them automatically. When an update is available, you can download and install it from the web interface.


The Registration page lists your product registration information, including the name of the person or company to whom the product is registered, the registration key, and the status of your registration.