Automatic Archive Store Creation
Use this screen to choose how often SecurityGateway will create a new archive store automatically, when an existing store reaches a certain age, size, or contains a given number of messages.
Create a new archive store...
Choose one of these options if you wish to create a new archive store for the domain automatically every year, quarter, or monthly.
If the current archive store has either:
Choose this option if you wish to create a new archive store automatically whenever a domain's existing store reaches a certain size or contains a given number of messages. You can use one or both options. When using both, a new store will be created whenever either of the conditions is met.
[xx] or more messages
When this box is checked, a new archive store will be created for the domain whenever the existing store contains the designated number of messages. The default is 5 million messages.
[xx] or more gigabytes of size
Check this box and specify how many gigabytes in size an archive store can reach before a new store will be created for the domain.

SecurityGateway checks for the need to create a new archive store every few minutes. An archive store may slightly exceed the thresholds configured here.
Use a local Firebird database file
By default, SecurityGateway uses a local Firebird Database file for Archiving.
Connect to a Firebird database server instance
Choose this option if you wish to connect to an external Firebird database server for archiving. Select this option if you are using Clustering.
Use the same server as the SecurityGateway database
This is the default setting when you choose to "Connect to a Firebird database server instance". For Archiving, SecurityGateway will connect to the same Firebird Database Server that you have set up to handle the SecurityGateway database, and it will use the same credentials. The only additional information you will need to provide is the Database Path/Alias Name (see below) for the database files used for automatically created archive stores.
Connect to this Firebird database server instance
Select this option if you wish to connect to a different Firebird database server to manage the databases. You will need to provide the Server name or IP, Port, User name, and Password required to connect to that server. You will also need to enter the Database Path/Alias Name for the database files used for automatically created archive stores.
Database Path/Alias Name:
Enter the path that will be used for automatically created database files for your archive store. Note: this path is relative to the Firebird Database Server, not necessarily a network path. For example, C:\Databases\Archives\$DOMAIN$.fbd.
Archive Name Macros
You can use the following macros in the filename of your archive, so that each archive can have a unique name when automatically created: $DOMAIN$, $YEAR$, $MONTH$, and $QUARTER$. Using "C:\Databases\Archives\$DOMAIN$-$MONTH$.fbd" in the Database Path, would create a database file called, "", for example. Further, you must ensure that the "C:\Databases\Archives\" folder exists on the Firebird server, as the Firebird server will not create it dynamically.

The Firebird server doesn't support dynamically creating new folders when creating a new database. Therefore if you wish to use a macro in the Database Path for a folder name, then you must first manually create the matching folders on the Firebird server. For example, if you set the Database Path to, "c:\Databases\Archives\$Domain$\archive.fbd", then you must manually create subfolders for each of your domains under the "C:\Databases\Archives\" folder on the Firebird server. For this reason we recommend using macros in the archive database file name rather than in the folder name.
Storage Locations
Use different directories for database, message content, and search index
By default an Archive Store's data is contained in the folder specified in the "Directory" option below, with two subfolders: \data\ and \index\. Click this checkbox if you wish to customize the location of all three folders.

When you have selected the option above to "Connect to a Firebird database server instance", this option only governs where the message content and search index is stored. The database location is specified in the Database Path/Alias Name option above.
The default location of an automatically created archive store's database folder is:
The $DOMAIN$ macro in the path is converted to the domain name associated with the archive store, and the folder contains the ARCHIVE.FBD Firebird database, which contains meta data (domain, user, date, etc.) related to archived messages. Archived data cannot be restored without this file. The folder also has the "..\data" and "..\index" subfolders for storing archived content and indexing respectively.

When you are using Clustering and have selected the option above to "Connect to a Firebird database server instance," this option only governs the location of the "..\data" and "..\index" subfolders, not the database file's location. The database location is specified in the Database Path/Alias Name option above. Further, the Directory specified here must be in a network accessible location, and you must use UNC file paths.
For example: \\share01\databases\Archive\$Domain$\
The following locations are used when you have enabled the "Use different directories..." option above:
Database Directory:
This is the location of the archive's database file. NOTE: this option is not available if you have selected the option above to "Connect to a Firebird database server instance." In that case the database location is specified in the Database Path/Alias Name option above.
The default location of the Database Directory is: "..\SecurityGateway\Archive\$DOMAIN$\"
Content Directory:
The default location of an automatically created archive store's content folder is:
The $DOMAIN$ macro in the path is converted to the domain name associated with the archive store, and the "..\data" subfolder contains the archive.sgd file. This file contains the archived data in a compressed format. Archived data cannot be restored without this file.
NOTE: If you are using Clustering or have selected the option above to "Connect to a Firebird database server instance," this folder must be in a network accessible location and you must use UNC file paths (e.g. \\share01\databases\Archive\$Domain$\data).
Index Directory:
The default location of an automatically created archive store's index folder is:
The $DOMAIN$ macro in the path is converted to the domain name associated with the archive store. The "..\index" subfolder contains the full text index generated by the CLucene Full Text Indexing engine. The full text index can be regenerated if it somehow becomes corrupt. The Full Text Index can be rebuilt for an archive store using the Maintenance option on the Archive Store screen.
NOTE: If you are using Clustering or have selected the option above to "Connect to a Firebird database server instance," this folder must be in a network accessible location and you must use UNC file paths (e.g. \\share01\databases\Archive\$Domain$\index).