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SecurityGateway for Email Servers v9.0

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The Reports section provides interactive, detailed graphical reports of SecurityGateway's activity. You can generate reports showing the number of inbound versus outbound messages, reports showing a breakdown of the types of junk email received, bandwidth reports, top senders by cumulative message size, virus reports, and more. Further, each report provides options that allow you to designate the parameters of the report. For example, a report can include data for a specific domain or all domains; delineate data by hour, day, or month; and encompass fixed time periods such as a day, week, or month, or use a specific range of dates. Additionally, below each report there is a tabular breakdown of the report's content, providing links to the Message Log, which will filter the log to display only the data related to that entry in the report. For example, it can provide links to display all inbound messages received at a specific hour listed on a report, all message's that contained a virus received on a certain day, all of the messages received by the top recipient for a domain, and so on. After selecting the parameters for a report, simply click View on the toolbar at the top of the page to generate a new report using that criteria.

There are six sections under the Reports menu:

Scheduled Reports

This section contains the Statistics Report option:

Statistics Report—This is a general statistical report that can be used to quickly ascertain the status and filtering effectiveness of the server. It can be sent on a nightly or weekly basis to the global administrators, domain administrators, and a manually defined list of email addresses. For domain administrators, the report will only contain statistics for the domains over which the administrator has administrative rights.
On the Statistics Report screen, choose Nightly or Weekly in the Scheduling section to designate how often the report will be sent. Then in the Recipients section, click Send to all global administrators or Send to all domain administrators to send the report to all of your global or domain administrators respectively. If you wish to prevent certain administrators from receiving the report, use the option in the Exclusions section to specify those whom you wish to exclude. Use the Additional Recipients option to specify any additional email addresses that you wish to receive the report.


The reports in the Summary section are general summary reports that you can use to see the number of inbound versus outbound messages processed, the amount and type of good email versus junk email, and the amount of bandwidth used by email.

Inbound vs. Outbound Messages—This report shows the total of inbound messages received and the total of outbound messages sent for the selected Domain during the Date Range specified in the report. The table below the graph contains columns for inbound messages and outbound messages, and each row corresponds to the Summary time period by which the report is delineated (hours, days, or months). Click any link in the table to open the Message Log and display the inbound or outbound messages processed during the corresponding time period for that entry. The number of entries in the report is limited by the Max Records setting. When the report is generated, SecurityGateway will start with the first Summary time period and continue until the Max Records value is reached. If the Max Records value isn't set high enough, then the report may not cover the entire Date Range specified. To generate a new report, specify its parameters and then click View on the toolbar above the report.

Good vs. Junk Messages—This report shows the total of good or legitimate messages versus junk messages processed for the selected Domain during the Date Range specified in the report. Junk messages are message identified as spam, spoofed, containing viruses, and the like. The table below the graph contains columns for good messages and junk messages, and each row corresponds to the Summary time period by which the report is delineated (hours, days, or months). Click any link in the table to open the Message Log and display the good or junk messages processed during the corresponding time period for that entry. The number of entries in the report is limited by the Max Records setting. When the report is generated, SecurityGateway will start with the first Summary time period and continue until the Max Records value is reached. If the Max Records value isn't set high enough, then the report may not cover the entire Date Range specified. To generate a new report, specify its parameters and then click View on the toolbar above the report.

Junk Email Breakdown—This report displays the total of all junk email, categorized by type, for the selected Domain during the Date Range specified in the report. Junk email is categorized into six types: Spam, Virus, Spoofing, Abuse, Incomplete, and User. The Incomplete category is for all sessions where a timeout occurs or the client closes the socket or issues a quit command before sending the data. SMTP probes fall under this category. The User category is for Blacklists, Content Filter Rules, Attachment Filtering, and custom Sieve Scripts. The remaining categories refer to their corresponding Security sections. The table below the graph contains columns for each type, and each row corresponds to the Summary time period by which the report is delineated (hours, days, or months). Click any link in the table to open the Message Log and display the junk messages in that category that were processed during the corresponding time period for that entry. The number of entries in the report is limited by the Max Records setting. When the report is generated, SecurityGateway will start with the first Summary time period and continue until the Max Records value is reached. If the Max Records value isn't set high enough, then the report may not cover the entire Date Range specified. To generate a new report, specify its parameters and then click View on the toolbar above the report.

Total Bandwidth Used by Email—This report shows the amount of bandwidth used by email during the Date Range specified in the report. The table below the graph contains a column for the amount of bandwidth used, and each row corresponds to the Summary time period by which the report is delineated (hours, days, or months). Click any time period in the table to open the Message Log and display the messages processed during that period. The number of entries in the report is limited by the Max Records setting. When the report is generated, SecurityGateway will start with the first Summary time period and continue until the Max Records value is reached. If the Max Records value isn't set high enough, then the report may not cover the entire Date Range specified. As with all reports in this section, to generate a new report, specify its parameters and then click View on the toolbar above the report.


Inbound Email

The reports in the Inbound Email section deal with inbound messages only. You can generate reports detailing all inbound messages processed, reports of the top email recipients by number of messages, and reports of the top recipients by cumulative message size.

Inbound Messages Processed—This report shows the total number of inbound messages processed for the selected Domain during the Date Range specified in the report. The table below the  graph contains a column showing the total number of inbound message processed during each Summary time period by which the report is delineated (hours, days, or months). Click any of the time period links in the table to open the Message Log to display the inbound messages that were processed during that period. The number of entries in the report is limited by the Max Records setting. When the report is generated, SecurityGateway will start with the first Summary time period and continue until the Max Records value is reached. If the Max Records value isn't set high enough, then the report may not cover the entire Date Range specified. To generate a new report, specify its parameters and then click View on the toolbar above the report.

Top Email Recipients—This report shows the top email recipients of incoming messages for the selected Domain during the Date Range specified in the report. The table below the graph contains a column for the recipient and for the number of messages each recipient received. Click any recipient to open the Message Log to display the inbound messages received by that recipient during the date range of the report. To generate a new report, specify its parameters and then click View on the toolbar above the report.

Top Recipients by Cumulative Message Size—This report shows the top email recipients by cumulative message size or bandwidth, of incoming messages for the selected Domain during the Date Range specified in the report. The table below the graph contains a column for the recipient and a column for the combined size of the messages each recipient received. Click any recipient to open the Message Log to display the inbound messages received by that recipient during the date range of the report. To generate a new report, specify its parameters and then click View on the toolbar above the report.


Outbound Email

The reports in the Outbound Email section deal with outbound messages only. You can generate reports detailing all outbound messages processed, reports of the top email sender by number of messages, and reports of the top senders by cumulative message size.

Outbound Messages Processed—This report shows the total number of outbound messages processed for the selected Domain during the Date Range specified in the report. The table below the  graph contains a column showing the total number of outbound message processed during each Summary time period by which the report is delineated (hours, days, or months). Click any of the time period links in the table to open the Message Log to display the outbound messages that were processed during that period. The number of entries in the report is limited by the Max Records setting. When the report is generated, SecurityGateway will start with the first Summary time period and continue until the Max Records value is reached. If the Max Records value isn't set high enough, then the report may not cover the entire Date Range specified. To generate a new report, specify its parameters and then click View on the toolbar above the report.

Top Email Senders—This report shows the top email senders of outbound messages from the selected Domain during the Date Range specified in the report. The table below the graph contains a column for the sender's address and for the number of messages sent. Click any sender's address to open the Message Log to display the outbound messages sent by that user during the date range of the report. To generate a new report, specify its parameters and then click View on the toolbar above the report.

Top Senders by Cumulative Message Size—This report shows the top email senders by cumulative message size or bandwidth, of outbound messages from the selected Domain during the Date Range specified in the report. The table below the graph contains a column for the sender's address and a column for the combined size of the messages each user sent. Click any sender's address to open the Message Log to display the outbound messages sent by that user during the date range of the report. To generate a new report, specify its parameters and then click View on the toolbar above the report.



The reports in the Anti-Spam section allow you to quickly see which domains are sending the most spam to your users, and to see which of your users are receiving the most.

Top Spam Domains—This report shows the top domains sending spam messages to the selected Domain during the Date Range specified in the report. The table below the graph contains a column for the domain sending the spam and for the number of messages received from that domain. Click any of the domains in the list to open the Message Log to display the messages sent by that domain to your users during the date range of the report. To generate a new report, specify its parameters and then click View on the toolbar above the report.

Top Spam Recipients—This report shows the top recipients of inbound spam for the selected Domain during the Date Range specified in the report. The table below the graph contains a column for the recipient's address and a column for the number of spam messages received. Click any recipient's address to open the Message Log to display the spam messages received by that user during the date range of the report. To generate a new report, specify its parameters and then click View on the toolbar above the report.



The reports in the Anti-Virus section allow you to quickly see the number of viruses in inbound and outbound messages that were stopped by SecurityGateway, and exactly which viruses there were.

Inbound Viruses Blocked—This report shows the total number of inbound messages containing viruses that were stopped by SecurityGateway, for the selected Domain during the Date Range specified in the report. The table below the graph contains a column showing the total number of inbound messages with viruses stopped during each Summary time period by which the report is delineated (hours, days, or months). Click any of the time period links in the table to open the Message Log to display the inbound messages with viruses that were stopped during that period. The number of entries in the report is limited by the Max Records setting. When the report is generated, SecurityGateway will start with the first Summary time period and continue until the Max Records value is reached. If the Max Records value isn't set high enough, then the report may not cover the entire Date Range specified. To generate a new report, specify its parameters and then click View on the toolbar above the report.

Top Inbound Viruses by Name—This report shows the top viruses in inbound messages that were stopped by SecurityGateway for the selected Domain during the Date Range specified in the report. The table below the graph contains a column listing the names of the viruses stopped, and a column listing the number of instances of each virus. Click any virus name to open the Message Log to display the inbound messages containing that particular virus that were stopped during the date range of the report. To generate a new report, specify its parameters and then click View on the toolbar above the report.

Outbound Viruses Blocked—This report shows the total number of outbound messages containing viruses that were stopped by SecurityGateway, that were sent from the selected Domain during the Date Range specified in the report. The table below the graph contains a column showing the total number of outbound messages with viruses stopped during each Summary time period by which the report is delineated (hours, days, or months). Click any of the time period links in the table to open the Message Log to display the outbound messages with viruses that were stopped during that period. The number of entries in the report is limited by the Max Records setting. When the report is generated, SecurityGateway will start with the first Summary time period and continue until the Max Records value is reached. If the Max Records value isn't set high enough, then the report may not cover the entire Date Range specified. To generate a new report, specify its parameters and then click View on the toolbar above the report.

Top Outbound Viruses by Name—This report shows the top viruses in outbound messages stopped by SecurityGateway, that were sent from the selected Domain during the Date Range specified in the report. The table below the graph contains a column listing the names of the viruses stopped, and a column listing the number of instances of each virus. Click any virus name to open the Message Log to display the outbound messages containing that particular virus that were stopped during the date range of the report. To generate a new report, specify its parameters and then click View on the toolbar above the report.

Performance Monitor Counters

In addition to the reporting options listed here, SecurityGateway provides various Performance Counters for use in the Windows Performance Monitor, which allow you to monitor SecurityGateway's status in real time. There are counters for the number of active inbound and outbound SMTP sessions, the number of messages queued for delivery, how many messages are quarantined, how long SecurityGateway has been running, the domain and user counts, and so on. Note: the following counters are only updated every minute: Delivery Queue, Admin Quarantine, User Count, Domain Count.

To use the counters, in Windows:

1.  Open Administrative Tools in the Control Panel, and double-click Performance Monitor (or Run perfmon).

3. Under Monitoring Tools, click Performance Monitor, and then click "+" (Add) on the toolbar to open the Add Counters dialog.

4. In the list under "Available counters," click SecurityGateway, and click Add >> to add all SecurityGateway counters. Alternatively, if you don't wish to add all the counters, expand the SecurityGateway group and select any desired counters before clicking Add >>.

5. Click OK.

Note: To see the performance counters from SecurityGateway running on another machine you must have the "Remote Registry" service enabled and have access through any firewalls.