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SecurityGateway for Email Servers v9.0

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The Security menu has eight sections with various tools to help you protect your domains and users from spam, viruses, email abuse, and other security risks. Below is a brief overview of each security section. For more information, see the individual sections.


The Anti-Spam section under the Security menu contains options to help you prevent spam, or unsolicited junk email. There are eight anti-spam features listed under this section, including options for identifying and preventing spam by using heuristics, Bayesian analysis, DNS and URI blacklists, greylisting, and more.


The Anti-Virus section under the Security menu contains options to help you identify virus infected messages and prevent them from reaching your users.


The Anti-Spoofing section has tools to help you identify messages sent from forged, or "spoofed" addresses. There are six anti-spoofing features listed under this section, such as DKIM Verification, Sender ID, Callback Verification, and more.


The Anti-Abuse section contains tools that help you prevent others from abusing or improperly using your email system to relay spam messages, use large amounts of bandwidth, connect to your server too frequently, and the like. There are six tools under the Anti-Abuse section.


The Filtering section contains two features: Message Content Filtering and Attachment Filtering. The Message Content Filtering page can be used to create filter rules to perform a number of actions. You can create rules to cause messages that match certain criteria to be refused, copied or redirected to a different address, quarantined, and more. The options on the Attachment Filtering page can be used to designate specific types of files that will cause a message to be either blocked or quarantined when one of those files is attached. You can define the filtering restrictions both globally and per domain.


Blacklists are lists of email addresses, hosts, and IP addresses whose messages you wish to block or quarantine. By default those messages will be refused during the SMTP session, but on the Blacklist Action page you can change this setting so that they will be quarantined instead. The action that will be taken can be set globally and for specific domains, and the blacklists themselves can also be set as global or domain specific.


Whitelists are lists of email addresses, hosts, and IP addresses whose messages you wish to exempt from a number of security restrictions. Heuristics and Bayesian, DNSBL, DKIM Verification, and almost every other Security feature in SecurityGateway has the option to exempt senders, hosts, messages, and so on if they appear on the appropriate whitelist. Each whitelist can be set as global or domain specific.

Sieve Scripts

SecurityGateway uses the Sieve email filtering language to perform many of its functions, and the Sieve Scripts page lets you see in what order those functions are performed. It also provides a Sieve Script Editor that you can use to create your own custom scripts.