Below is a list of special considerations and notes that you may need to be aware of when upgrading to MDaemon version 25.0.0 from a previous version. For a comprehensive list of additions, changes and fixes included in MDaemon 25.0.0, see the Release Notes.
•MDaemon Webmail's Lite theme has been removed from new installations of MDaemon, and it will no longer be updated in existing installations.
•frame-ancestors: 'self' has been added to the Content-Security-Policy header for the default Webmail and Remote Admin servers. If you are having users access Webmail or Remote Admin via a frame on an intranet site, this may cause issues. You can modify the headers by editing the corresponding INI files, or you can edit them from within in Remote Admin at: Main | Webmail Settings | Web Server and Main | Remote Admin Settings | Settings, under HTTP Response Headers.
•ClamAV 1.4 is not compatible with Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7, so ClamAV is not installed on those Windows versions. If you have an older ClamAV installed by a previous version of MDaemon, you may continue to use it with MDaemon 25.
•There are no special considerations unique to MDaemon 24.5.0 when updating from the previous version. If you are updating from an earlier version, please review the special notes below for all versions released since that version.
•The XML API now by default denies access from IPs that are not specifically allowed. This can be changed in the application interface at: Setup | XML API Service | Address Restrictions.
•There are no special considerations unique to MDaemon 23.5.0 when updating from the previous version. If you are updating from an earlier version, please review the special notes below for all versions released since that version.
•Outbreak Protection has been restored. Please review your Outbreak Protection settings, as they may have been reset to their default values.
•Cyren Anti-Virus has been replaced with IKARUS Anti-Virus. Cyren recently announced its plans to discontinue operations with little warning. This necessitated the need for us to find a new anti-virus partner. After a thorough evaluation, IKARUS Anti-Virus stood out for its excellent detection rate and speed. It offers reliable protection from malicious and potentially hostile programs, and it combines traditional anti-virus defense methods with the latest proactive technologies. IKARUS Anti-Virus automatically updates its definitions every 10 minutes. Scanning with IKARUS is disabled if your AntiVirus license is expired.
•Cyren Outbreak Protection been removed. Cyren recently announced its plans to discontinue operations with little warning. We are actively researching and considering viable anti-spam technologies as suitable additions to the existing anti-spam mechanisms found in our software products.
•IMAP keyword flags support can now be enabled or disabled via the setting [Special] IMAPKeywordFlags=Yes/No in \MDaemon\App\MDaemon.ini. IMAP keyword flags are disabled by default when updating MDaemon from a version before 23, to avoid the potential loss of message tags in Thunderbird mail clients. When Thunderbird connects to an IMAP server that supports keyword flags, it overwrites its local message tags with tags read from the server, which are initially blank. IMAP keyword flags are enabled by default for new installs and when updating from version 23.0.0.
•32-bit MDaemon has been discontinued. MDaemon 22.0 and newer will only be available in 64-bit. If you are currently running a 32-bit version on a supported 64-bit operation system, you can simply install the 64-bit version on top of the existing installation.
•The minimum length for strong passwords must now be at least 8 characters. If your minimum length was set to fewer than 8 characters before updating to MDaemon 22, it will be changed to 8. The default minimum length for strong passwords on new installs is now 10.
•MDaemon is moving away from using the terms "whitelist" and "blacklist". In many cases, they are now "allow list" and "block list". Features that had a "white list" to exempt IPs, addresses, etc., now have an "exempt list". The per-user spam filter contacts folders are now named "Allowed Senders" and "Blocked Senders". The folders for all accounts will be renamed when MDaemon 22 starts up for the first time.
•The X-MDOrigin-Country header, which Location Screening can add to messages, will now contain the two-letter ISO 3166 country and continent codes instead of full country and continent names. Be sure to update any filters you may have that look for particular values in this header.
•With the renaming of the Webmail "Mobile" theme to "Pro," there is a possible side effect for users who are using the Mobile theme and have the Remember Me option enabled. These users may find that they cannot open attachments. To fix this, they must simply sign out of their Webmail account and then sign in again.
•The settings at Setup » Preferences » Miscellaneous to copy all system-generated postmaster notifications to global admins and domain admins now apply to more notifications, such as Account Freeze and Disable, No Such User, Disk Error, Low Disk Space, and Beta and AV expiration. If you do not feel it appropriate for your administrators to receive these notifications, you must disable these settings.
•MDaemon will comment out the line "AlertExceedsMax yes" in ClamAV's clamd.conf file, due to it causing too many "Heuristics.Limits.Exceeded" AV scan failures.
•The network resource access settings at Setup | Preferences | Windows Service now configure the MDaemon service (and the Remote Administration and XMPP Server services) to run as the specified account, instead of MDaemon running as SYSTEM and then it running specific processes and threads as that account. The installer will update the services to run as the specified account when updating to this version.
•Because of changes to and deprecation of many settings in clamd.conf, the installer will now overwrite existing clamd.conf. If you have customized your clamd.conf you may need to review and make changes to clamd.conf after installation.
•Please carefully read the section in the full release notes labeled as task [8930] as it involves changes to the Active Directory integration system and you may find things that were broken in the past now starting to work. Please be aware of all changes made in that area and carefully read that section of the release notes.
•MDaemon 20.0 requires Windows 7, Server 2008 R2, or newer.
•Preferences » Miscellaneous has two new checkboxes that control whether system generated notification emails periodically sent to the Postmaster alias should also be sent to Global and Domain level administrators. By default, these options are both enabled. Domain administrators are restricted to receiving only those emails which are for their domain and the Release Notes. Global administrators receive everything including the Queue Summary report, Statistics report, Release Notes, 'No Such User' found (for all domains), Disk Error notifications, Account Freeze and Disable notifications for all domains (which, like Domain admins, they can unfreeze and re-enable), warnings about licenses and beta test versions about to expire, Spam Summary reports, and perhaps others as well. If you do not feel it appropriate for your administrators to receive these notifications you must disable these settings.
•How autoresponders are stored has changed. The text for an accounts autoresponder is now stored as OOF.MRK files within the account's DATA folder which is a new sub-folder inside the account's root mail folder. Autoresponder script files are no longer kept in the APP folder and they are not shared between accounts. When MDaemon starts for the first time it will migrate all existing autoresponder files and settings to the correct places for every account. The AUTORESP.DAT file is obsolete and will be deleted along with every account specific .RSP file (OutOfOffice.RSP and non-account specific files will remain for reference and sample purposes). If you wish to quickly assign a single autoresponder configuration to multiple accounts you can use the new Publish button found at Account Settings » Autoresponder. This button will copy the existing autoresponder script text and all settings for the current account to other accounts that you select. There is also an Edit autoresponder file button that lets you edit the default autoresponder script (OutOfOffice.rsp). This default is copied into an accounts OOF.MRK if the OOF.MRK is missing or empty.
•How account signature files are stored has changed. Signature files are now stored as SIGNATURE.MRK within the account's DATA folder, which is a new subfolder inside the account's root mail folder. When MDaemon starts for the first time it will migrate all existing signature files to the correct places for every account. The root MDaemon Signatures folder will no longer contain account-specific signature files, but it remains in place as it may still contain items needed by MDaemon Remote Administration and the Content Filter. The original Signatures folder was backed up to \Backup\20.0.0\Signatures\ prior to migration. Finally, every account's ADMINNOTES.MRK has been moved from the account's root mail folder to the new DATA subfolder.
•Spam Filter » White List (automatic) has had the default value changed to disabled for the option "...only whitelist addresses that authenticate using DKIM". Having this enabled turns out to be a little restrictive for many and prevents address book white listing from working for MultiPOP and DomainPOP mail. Re-enable the setting if this is not to your liking.
•The Preferences » UI option to "Center all UI dialogs" has been reset to a default of "enabled" for everybody. If you prefer otherwise you can disable it. This prevents screens from being created partially out of frame, but it can occasionally cause multiple overlapping screens to be harder to select.
•Security Manager » Screening » Location Screening - The default for this feature has been changed from disabled to enabled. When Location Screening is enabled the connecting country/region will always be logged (if known) even when the particular country/region is not being actively blocked. So, even if you do not wish to block any country you can still enable Location Screening (without selecting any countries to block) so that country/region can be shown and logged. Since the default setting for this has changed, you should take a look at your Location Screening configuration for correctness. MDaemon will insert the header "X-MDOrigin-Country" that lists the country and region for content filtering or other purposes.
•The hard-coded fixed size limit of 2 MB for spam filter scans has been removed. There is now no theoretical limit to the size of a message that can be scanned. It is still possible, however, to configure your own limit in case this is a problem, but using "0" in the option now means no limit. You should review the Spam Filter » Settings screen to make sure this option is set to your desired value.
•Added 'Sender Domain' and 'Recipient Domain' columns to the Queues screens in the main UI. As a result of this a one-time reset of saved column widths had to be done. Once you set the column widths to your liking they will be remembered.
•By default the Host Screen is now applied to MSA connections. This option is located at: Security Manager » Screening » Host Screen.
•By default MDaemon IMAP, WebMail, and ActiveSync servers no longer provide access to the shared folders of disabled accounts. You can change this with a new settings at Server Settings » Public & Shared Folders.