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MDaemon Messaging Server 23.5

Navigation: Setup Menu > Web & IM Services > Webmail

Google Drive

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Google Drive Integration

MDaemon Webmail can present users with options to save message attachments directly to their Google Drive account, and to edit and work with documents stored there. In order to enable this, an API Key, Client ID, and Client Secret are required. All are obtained directly from Google by creating an App using the Google API Console and registering your MDaemon with their service. An OAuth 2.0 authentication component is part of this app, which allows your Webmail users to sign-in to Webmail and then authorize access to their Google Drive account through MDaemon. Once authorized, users can view their folders and files that are in Google Drive. Further, they can upload, download, move, copy, rename, and delete files, as well as copy/move files to and from the local document folders. If the user wants to edit a document, clicking the option to view the file in Google Drive will allow the user to make edits to it in accordance with their permissions set in Google Drive. The Google Drive setup process is similar to MDaemon's Dropbox Integration and MultiPOP OAuth Integration features.

Enable Google Drive Integration

Click this checkbox to enable Google Drive Integration. See: Setting up Google Drive Integration below.

Google Drive API Key:

This is your unique API key that will be generated for you in the Google Drive API console while you are creating your app. copy and paste the key here.

Client Drive Client ID

This is the unique Client ID assigned to your Google Drive app when you create it in the Google API Console. After you create your app, copy its Client ID and paste it here.

Google Drive Client Secret

This is the unique Client Secret assigned to your Google Drive app when you create it in the Google API Console. After you create your app, copy its Client Secret and paste it here.

Redirect URI

You must specify one or more Redirect URIs when creating your Google Drive app. The sample Redirect URI is built from your Default Domain's SMTP host name, which should work for that domain's users when signing in to Webmail. You should add additional Redirect URIs to your app for any additional MDaemon domains your users go to when signing in to Webmail. For example, "" would work for any of your users who go to when signing in to Webmail. See: Creating and Linking Your Google Drive App below for more information.

Edit text of privacy policy

Google Drive integration requires that you periodically present a link to your users to an approved privacy policy. Click this button to edit your privacy policy.

Creating and Linking Your Google Drive App Creating and Linking Your Google Drive App

Step-by-step instructions for creating your Google Drive app.
