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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

Navigation: Security Menu > Spam Filter > Spam Filter

Allow List (by sender)

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Messages sent from these addresses receive a beneficial score

Click Advanced to add addresses to this list. This allow list is similar to Allow List (by recipient), except that spam score reduction is based on who the message is from rather than based on the recipient. Messages from these senders will have their Spam Filter score reduced by the amount specified on the Spam Filter Settings screen. Therefore including an address on this allow list does not automatically guarantee that a message to that address will not be considered spam. For example, if you have the spam score threshold set to 5.0 and the allow list value set to 100, and then a particularly excessive spam message arrives that gets a spam score of 105.0 or higher before the allow list value is subtracted, then the final spam score of the message will be at least 5.0, thus denoting it as spam. This is highly unlikely, however, because spam rarely has a value that high unless it contains some other exceptionally high-scoring element, such as a blocked address.

This screen is unavailable when you have configured MDaemon to use another server's MDaemon Spam Daemon (MDSpamD) for Spam Filter processing. This Spam Filter list will be maintained on the other server. See Spam Daemon for more information.