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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

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Automatic Updates

Using the Automatic Updates features you can configure MDaemon to inform the postmaster whenever an update is available for MDaemon, and you can set it to download and install the updates automatically. The server will always be rebooted whenever an update is installed automatically. Files are downloaded when the update is detected, but the installation and reboot occur later at whichever hour you have designated. All installation activity is logged in the MDaemon system log, and the postmaster is informed after an update has occurred.

Inform postmaster when new product updates are available

This option causes MDaemon to notify the postmaster whenever there is an MDaemon update available. This is enabled by default.

WhenMDaemon is set to update automatically, this message is not sent. Instead the postmaster is informed that an update was installed, and is informed of any Special Considerations regarding the update.

Download and install MDaemon updates automatically

Check this box if you want to download and install MDaemon updates automatically. Updates are downloaded when they are detected and then installed at the hour designated below. This option is disabled by default.

Install updates and reboot server at this hour:

Automatic updates are downloaded at the time they are detected and then stored in the \MDaemon\Updates folder, but they are not installed until the hour designated here. The server on which MDaemon is installed will be rebooted automatically after each update. This option is set to 2 AM by default.

Delete installer files after updates complete

Check this box if you wish to delete the stored installer files after an update is completed.

Edit queued updates

When an update is detected and downloaded, it is then queued for installation later. The list of pending updates is stored in the QueuedUpdates.dat file. Click this button to review that list or remove a pending update.