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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

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If missing, insert these headers


When a message is encountered that doesn't have a "Date:" header, MDaemon will create one and add it to the message file if this option is enabled. It will be the date on which MDaemon first receives the message, not when it was created by the sender. There are some mail clients that do not create this header, and since some mail servers refuse to honor such messages, this feature will enable them to be delivered.


When a message is encountered that doesn't have a "Message-ID" header, MDaemon will create one and insert it into the message.

If present, remove these headers

Received (list mail only)

Check this box if you wish to strip all existing "Received:" headers from mailing list messages.


Click this checkbox if you wish to strip out all "X-RBL-Warning:" headers found in messages. This option is disabled by default.


Enable this option if you wish to strip old "X-Spam-Flag:" headers from messages.

All other headers starting with X-

MDaemon and other mail servers use many server specific headers called X-Type headers in order to route mail and perform various other functions. When this option is enabled, MDaemon will strip these headers from messages. Note: this option does not remove X-RBL-Warning headers. If you wish to remove those headers, use the "X-RBL-Warning" option above.

Add these headers

Precedence: bulk (system generated mail 'From: MDaemon' only)

When this box is checked all system generated messages from MDaemon (welcome messages, warnings, "could not deliver" messages, and so on) will have a "Precedence: bulk" header inserted.

X-Authenticated-Sender: (authenticated mail only)

By default MDaemon will add the "X-Authenticated-Sender:" header to messages that arrive on an authenticated session using the AUTH command. Uncheck this box if you do not wish to add this header.

Content-ID: (RAW messages with attachments)

Check this box if you wish to add unique MIME Content-ID headers to messages that MDaemon creates from a RAW file that contains attachments.


Hide reserved IPs when creating message headers

This option is enabled by default and prevents reserved IP addresses from appearing in certain MDaemon created message headers. Reserved IP addresses include: 127.0.0.*, 192.168.*.*, 10.*.*.*, and If you also wish to hide your domain IPs (including LAN domains) from the headers then you can set the following switch in MDaemon's app\MDaemon.ini file manually: [Special] HideMyIPs=Yes (default is No).

Hide host names and IPs when creating message headers

Click this option if you wish to omit host names & IP addresses from "Received:" headers when they are constructed.  This option is disabled by default.

Hide software version identification in responses and 'Received:' headers

Use this option if you wish to prevent MDaemon from stating its software version and other identifying information when creating Received headers or responding to various protocol requests. This option is disabled by default.

Respond to all 'Return-Receipt-To:' requests

Click this check box if you wish to honor requests for delivery confirmation from incoming messages and automatically send a confirmation message to the sender. This option is disabled by default.