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MDaemon Messaging Server 24.0

Navigation: Setup Menu > Mailing List Manager > Mailing List Editor


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Use this option to list an address that will be notified when the selected events take place.

...when a user subscribes to this mailing list

Check this box if you wish to send a note to the designated address each time someone subscribes to the mailing list.

...when a user unsubscribes from this mailing list

Check this box if you wish to send a note to the designated address each time someone unsubscribes from the mailing list.

...when a message arrives which exceeds the max size limit

Check this box if you wish to send a note to the designated address each time someone sends a message to the mailing list that is larger than List refuses messages larger than [xx] KB limit designated on Settings.

Inform non-members that their message was refused

When this option is enabled and non-members of a private list send mail to the list, MDaemon will inform them that the list is private. They will also be given instructions on how to subscribe to list. Lists are designated as private by using the Only list members can post to this list option located on Settings.

Returned Mail

List's SMTP 'Bounce' address

Use this option to specify the address that should receive any "bounced" mail or deliver status notification messages generated from list traffic. Any given message to a mailing list with 100 recipients might have, for example, ten undeliverable addresses due to address changes, down servers, or the like. The SMTP system will generate and return to the sender of the message a notification message concerning these undeliverable conditions. Using this option you can designate the address that should receive these messages for your mailing lists. You can also choose for no one to receive them, in which case MDaemon will place list mail into the mail stream in such a way that return mail will not be possible. This address should NOT be the mailing list's address.

Setting the List's SMTP 'Bounce' address to a local user's address could cause that user's email to be deleted as a result of the list pruner settings designated on Mailing List Settings. Use caution before setting this option to a local user's address. For more information, see Enhanced List Pruning.