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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

Navigation: Setup Menu > Mailing List Manager > Mailing List Editor


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This list is moderated by

Check this box and specify an account if you wish the list to be moderated by the designated user. Moderated lists forward all posts to the moderator. The moderator alone may submit or forward messages to the list.

List password

If you wish to assign a password to this list, then enter it here. List passwords can be used with the Anyone can post who knows the list's password option below, and to override the Membership Limit option located on the Subscription screen. They also provide access to a number of features outlined in the Remote Server Control via Email section.

Anyone can post who knows the list's password

If a password is assigned to the list, and this option is enabled, then anyone who includes the list's password at the beginning of a message's subject can post to the list, even if the list is moderated but the sender isn't the moderator.

Mailing List URLs (see RFC 2369)

MDaemon can add to mailing list messages any of the six header fields outlined in RFC 2369: The Use of URLs as Meta-Syntax for Core Mail List Commands and their Transport through Message Header Fields. The six headers are: List-Help, List-Subscribe, List-Unsubscribe, List-Post, List-Owner, and List-Archive. If you wish to use any of these headers to the list's messages, enter the desired header value into any of the fields below. The header values must be formatted according to the RFC 2369 specification (for example, <>). See the linked document for several examples of each header. MDaemon makes no changes to this data, therefore if the data is improperly formed it won't achieve any results.

Description (used in List-ID: header)

Enter a short description of your mailing list here if you wish to add it to the List-ID: header included in messages that are sent to the list. The description and the list's identifier will be included in the header (e.g. List-ID: "Frank's personal mailing list" <>) Note that the list's identifier is the mailing list's address with "." substituted for "@" in order to comply with the List-ID specification. If you leave the Description option blank then the List-ID: header will contain only the list identifier (e.g. List-ID: <>). If an incoming message addressed to the list has a preexisting List-ID: header, MDaemon will replace the old header with the appropriate one for the list.

The List-Subscribe and List-Unsubscribe headers are included by default in all mailing list messages when the "Honor '<List>-subscribe' and '<List>-unsubscribe' addresses" option is enabled on the Preferences » Miscellaneous screen. If you wish to override that option for this list, using different header values than those added automatically by that option, enter the desired values here. If that option is disabled then no List-Subscribe and List-Unsubscribe headers will be added to list messages unless you specify a value for them here.