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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

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Remote Administration

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MDaemon's Remote Administration (MDRA) web interface is designed to make it possible for you to administer MDaemon remotely using a web browser. It is a server application designed to run in the background on the same computer as MDaemon. To access Remote Administration, open your browser to the URL and port number on which the remote administration server resides (e.g. After providing your login credentials, you will be given access to various controls and settings within MDaemon. The type and number of settings to which you will have access is dependent upon the level of access given. There are three levels of access that can be provided to remote administration users: Global, Domain, and User.

Global Administrators — Global administrators are users who have global access permission enabled under their account settings within MDaemon. Global access means that the user can see and configure every setting and control that is accessible via Remote Administration. Global administrators can add, edit, and delete users, domains, and mailing lists. They can edit product INI files, designate other users as Domain administrators, manage passwords, and do many other things; they have complete administrative control.

Domain Administrators — Similar to Global administrators, Domain administrators also have control over the users and settings accessible via Remote Administration. Their administrative control, however, is limited to the domain or domains to which they have been given access and the permissions designated on the Web Services screen. Domain administrators and the domains over which they have control are designated from within Remote Administration by a Global administrator, or by another Domain administrator with access to those domains.

Users — The lowest possible level of Remote Administration access is User access. MDaemon users can sign in to the remote administration interface and, for example, view their individual account settings as well as edit their MultiPOP entries, mail filters, Autoresponders, and so on. The type and number of settings that can be edited depends on the permissions given in each user's account settings

Everyone who has permission to access both Webmail and Remote Administration can access Remote Administration from within Webmail, rather than having to sign in to both separately. Remote Administration is opened in a separate browser window from within Webmail by clicking the "Advanced Settings" link under "Options".
