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MDaemon Messaging Server 24.0

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The Categories options are located in MDaemon's Remote Administration interface, at: Main » Webmail Settings » Categories.

Webmail supports categories for email, events, notes, and tasks in the LookOut and WorldClient themes. Users can add the Categories column to the message list by going to "Options » Columns" and checking "Categories" in the Message List section.

To set categories for one or more messages in the message list, select the messages and right-click one of them. Use the context menu to set the category. Alternatively, you can open a message and set a category using the option on the toolbar.


On the Categories page in MDaemon's Remote Administration interface, you can set the Domain Categories, which is a fixed list of categories that users will see in Webmail but cannot edit or delete. You can also create the default list of Personal Categories that will be displayed to new users.

Domain Categories

Domain Categories are fixed categories that cannot be reordered, edited, or deleted by your users. When the Enable Domain Categories option is enabled, the list will appear at the top of your user's list of categories in Webmail. You can reorder, edit, delete, or create new Domain Categories using the options provided.

Personal Categories

This is the default list of categories that will be copied to new Webmail users' accounts. Users have complete control over their list of personal categories. They can reorder, edit, or delete them, and they can create new ones. If, however, you are also using Domain Categories then those categories will be listed at the top for each user and cannot be edited or duplicated by them. Any personal category with a name that matches a domain category will be hidden. If you do not wish to allow personal categories then uncheck Users can edit personal categories. In that case only domain categories will be displayed. If the Domain Categories option is also disabled then no Categories options will be available to the users.


For more detailed information relating to the MDaemon files in which categories and category translations are managed, see: MDaemon\WorldClient\CustomCategories.txt.