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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

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Public Folder Pruning

Delete messages older than [xx] days (0=never)

Specify a number of days in this option if you want old messages to be deleted from Public Folders.

Antivirus & Content Filter Cleanup

Delete all quarantined files

Click this option if you want all quarantined file attachments to be deleted each night.

...but only when older than this many days [xx] (0 = all files)

By default all quarantined files will be deleted. Specify a number of days in this option if you only wish to delete files that are older than that value.

Delete all quarantined messages

Click this option if you want all quarantined messages to be deleted each night.

...but only when older than this many days [xx] (0 = all files)

By default all quarantined messages will be deleted. Specify a number of days in this option if you only wish to delete messages that are older than that value.

Delete all restricted attachments

Click this option if you want all restricted attachments to be deleted each night.

...but only when older than this many days [xx] (0 = all files)

By default all restricted attachments will be deleted. Specify a number of days in this option if you only wish to delete restricted attachments that are older than that value.