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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

Navigation: Setup Menu > Preferences > Preferences


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Enable disk space checking engine

Activate this checkbox if you want MDaemon to monitor the amount of disk space that is available on the drive where the MDaemon.exe is located.

Send warning to [user or address] when free disk space falls below [xx] MB

By using this option you can configure MDaemon to send a notification message to the user or address of your choice when disk space drops below a certain level. The default value is 1000 MB.

MDaemon will automatically disable TCP/IP services if free disk space falls below [xx] MB

Enable this feature if you want MDaemon to disable TCP/IP Services if free disk space drops to a certain level. The default value is 100 MB.

The following disks are checked (ex: C, D, E)

Use this option if you wish to monitor the available disk space on multiple disks, specifying the drive letter for each one. If you leave it blank then only the disk that contains MDaemon's \app\ folder will be checked.

Freeze inbound queue if this many consecutive disk errors occur (0=never)

If this number of disk errors occurs when processing the inbound queue, MDaemon will stop processing the queue until you resolve the situation. An email is placed in the postmaster's mailbox when this shut down occurs.

Disk cleanup and backup

Delete bad queue files older than this many days (0=never)

Use this option if you want MDaemon to delete old files from the bad message queue whenever they are older than the specified number of days. If you do not wish to delete messages automatically, use "0" in this option.

Backup configuration files at midnight each night

Click this checkbox if you want to archive all MDaemon configuration files at midnight each night to the Backups directory.

Files to backup

Use this text box to specify exactly which files and file extensions to back up. Wildcards are permitted and each filename or extension must be separated be the "|" character.

Delete backups older than this many days (0=never)

Use this option if you wish to delete old backup files automatically. Files older than the specified number of days will be deleted as part of the daily midnight cleanup event. The default setting is "0", which means that old backup files will not be deleted.

Restrict MDaemon folder access to Admins, Backup Operators, and SYSTEM

Click this button to restrict access to the \MDaemon\ root folder and its subfolders to the following Windows accounts/groups: Administrators, Backup Operators, and SYSTEM.