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MDaemon Messaging Server 24.0

Navigation: Additional MDaemon Features

MDaemon and Text Files

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MDaemon uses a number of plain text files to store some of its data, system generated message templates, and configuration settings, which provides a great deal of flexibility. You can create new text files from within MDaemon by using the File » New menu selection. This can be useful for quickly creating data files for use with Autoresponders and various other MDaemon features, such as RAW files.

Editing MDaemon Files

MDaemon's various data files are plain text and can be edited in Notepad. You can easily open any of these files from within MDaemon by using the File » Open » Empty Text File menu selection. By default this looks in MDaemon's \app\ folder for *.txt files. Switch the Files of type:  drop down list to "All files" to see the rest of the files contained in that folder.