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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

Navigation: Setup Menu > Server Settings > DNS & IPs


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By default MDaemon detects the level of IPv6 capability that your OS supports and dual-stacks where possible. Otherwise, MDaemon monitor both IPv4 and IPv6 independently.


MDaemon's SMTP/POP3/IMAP Servers...

...accept only IPv4 connections

Choose this option if you only wish to accept IPv4 connections.

...accept only IPv6 connections

Choose this option if you only wish to accept IPv6 connections.

...accept either IPv4 or IPv6 connections

Choose this option if you wish to accept both IPv4 and IPv6 connections. This is the default setting, and MDaemon will give precedence to IPv6 connections over IPv4 whenever possible.


Connect to outbound IPv6 hosts where possible

Enable this option if you want MDaemon to connect to outbound IPv6 hosts whenever possible.

When MDaemon connects to an IPv6 host it must use an IPv6 local address of its own. The IPv6 address is designated on the Domain Manager » Host Name & IP screen. If necessary, an address for outbound socket binding can be specified on the Binding screen.
