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MDaemon Email Server 25.0

Navigation: Setup Menu > Server Settings > DNS & IPs

IP Cache

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In order to speed message delivery and shorten mail processing time, MDaemon caches the IP addresses of all hosts with which it comes in contact. These IPs are stored and then the cache is checked each time MDaemon requires a DNS resolution on a host name. If the host name needing resolution is found in the IP cache then the DNS lookup is skipped, which can save a surprising amount of processing time. The settings in this window allow you to manipulate the parameters under which the cache will operate. You may also manually add and remove entries, set whether to use DNSSEC, set the maximum size of the cache, and designate how long entries will remain cached. The IP Cache can be reached from the "Setup » Server Settings » IP Cache" menu selection.

IP Cache


Enter the host that you wish to add to the IP cache.


Enter the IP address that you wish to add to the IP cache.


Check this box for DNSSEC.


Once you have manually entered a host and IP address, click this button to add it to the cache.


If you wish to remove a cached IP address from the list, select the entry and then click this button.


This button will delete all entries in the cache.

No cache

Click this button to bring up a list of domain names and/or IP addresses that you never want MDaemon to add to the IP Cache.


Automatically cache uncached domains

This option governs MDaemon's internal auto-caching engine. If you want MDaemon to cache domains automatically then enable this option. If you want to build the IP Cache yourself, then clear this checkbox.

Clear cache at each processing interval

If selected, the entire contents of the cache will be flushed at the start of each mail session. This allows the cache to be refreshed at each processing interval.  

Default time to live (minutes)

This is the default value in minutes that an entry will remain in the IP Cache. Once the entry has been in the IP Cache for this number of minutes, MDaemon will remove it. If you want to set a permanent entry in the IP Cache then designate the Default time to live as 9999.

Max cached entries

This value determines how large the cache may be. Once this number is reached, the next cache entry will bump the first one out of the cache.