Active Directory Monitoring
Monitor Active Directory and create/update MDaemon accounts
Click this option to activate Active Directory monitoring, which will create and update MDaemon accounts as Active Directory is updated.
Monitor Active Directory and update public address book(s)
Enable this option if you wish to use Active Directory to keep all public contact records updated with the most recent information stored in Active Directory. Common fields like an account's postal address, phone numbers, business contact information, and so on will be populated into their public contact record and this data will be updated any time it is changed in Active Directory. Numerous contact record fields will be monitored in this way. For a complete list of which public contact record fields can be mapped to Active Directory attributes, see the ActiveDS.dat file. See: Updating the Public Address Books, for more information.
Use Active Directory domain names when creating accounts
Use this option if you would like new accounts created as a result of Active Directory monitoring to be added to the domain found within the account's "UserPrincipalName" Active Directory attribute. When using this option, if an account requires a domain that doesn't yet exist within MDaemon, a new domain will be created automatically. Clear/disable this option if you would like all new accounts to be added to MDaemon's Default Domain.
Query Active Directory for new data every [xx] seconds
This is the interval at which MDaemon will monitor Active Directory for changes.
Windows domain for AD authentication
Specify a Windows domain name here if you wish to use Active Directory Authentication for accounts created by Active Directory monitoring. If you leave this field blank then new accounts will be assigned random passwords. You will then have to edit those passwords manually in order for the accounts to be accessed.
When accounts are deleted in Active Directory...
The option selected below determines the action MDaemon will take when an MDaemon account's associated Active Directory account is deleted. nothing
Choose this option if you do not wish MDaemon to make any changes to an MDaemon account when its associated account is deleted from Active Directory.
...delete them from MDaemon also
Choosing this option will cause the MDaemon account to be deleted when its associated account is deleted from Active Directory.
This will cause the associated MDaemon account to be completely removed. All of the account's messages, message folders, address books, calendars, and so on will be deleted. |
...disable the MDaemon account
When this option is selected and an Active Directory account is deleted, its corresponding MDaemon account will be disabled. This means that the MDaemon account will still exist on the server, but it cannot send or receive email or be accessed by anyone.
...freeze the MDaemon account
When this option is selected MDaemon will still accept the account's incoming mail but effectively "lock" it so that it cannot be accessed. In other words, incoming mail addressed to that account will not be rejected or deleted by MDaemon but the account holder will not be able to collect or access that mail as long is the account is frozen.
Freeze MDaemon accounts when they are disabled in Active Directory
By default, when you disable an account in Active Directory, MDaemon will also disable the associated account in MDaemon. This makes the account inaccessible and MDaemon will neither accept nor deliver messages for it. However, if you prefer to have the associated MDaemon account frozen instead of disabled, enable this option. MDaemon will still accept messages for frozen accounts, but users will not be able to access those accounts to collect or send their email.
When accounts are deleted in AD remove from public address book(s)
By default, a public folder contact is deleted whenever its associated account is deleted from Active Directory. However, the contact is only deleted if it was originally created by the Active Directory integration feature. Disable this option if you do not wish to delete contacts when associated accounts are deleted in Active Directory.
Accounts deleted outside AD are not recreated by AD monitoring
When you delete an MDaemon account outside of Active Directory (for example, by manually deleting it using the MDaemon interface), by default the account will not be recreated by the Active Directory monitoring feature. Disable this option if you want these accounts to be recreated.
Perform full Active Directory scan now
Click this button to cause MDaemon to query the Active Directory database and then create, edit, or delete accounts as necessary. When an Active Directory account is found that matches an already existing MDaemon account, the MDaemon account will be linked to it.
Active Directory » Authentication